1111 Angel Number: What It REALLY Means (2025)

As a Manifestation Coach and Expert I frequently get asked:

What’s the meaning of seeing the angel number 1111?

And the truth is, there are a lot of different explanations out there, (some of which I don’t necessarily agree with), which is one of the reasons I decided to write this post.

One example of this is:

“Seeing 1111 means your angels are urging you to watch your thoughts because they’re manifesting instantly.”

(I’ll talk more about why I don’t agree with this particular meaning later in the post).

But for now, let’s focus on the more important aspects you need to know about seeing this divine number.

Here’s what I will be covering in this post:

  1. Seeing 1111

Recognizing how the number shows up in your life.

2. Significance of 1111

The numerology meaning of the number and its significance.

3. What angel number 1111 means

Interpreting what the number means for you.

4. How to manifest with the number 1111

How to use this powerful number to manifest your desires.

1111 Angel Number: What It REALLY Means

1. Seeing 1111

The first thing to be aware of when seeing the angel number 1111 is that it can show up in a lot of different ways and there can be variations of the number such as seeing 111 or 11:11 (all of these numbers are important).

Here are some of the most common ways it can show up in your experience:

Seeing 11:11 on the clock.

This could be on your mobile phone, laptop, computer even on the microwave.

Seeing 111 or 1111 on car number plates.

Receiving a bill for $111 (this has happened to me many times!)

In fact, here’s an old photo I found in my phone from when this happened:

Depending on whether you are seeing 111 or 1111 you can also see look into the significance and meaning of the numbers 3 and 4 and their influence (as 111 = 3 and 1111 = 4).

I personally have found this can take you down a rabbit hole, making it more difficult to TRUST your intuition on why these universal numbers are showing up for you because you can easily become too fixated on which variation of the number you are seeing and the additional influence of the 3 or 4 energy.

What IS important to be aware of is that the number 11 represents; intuition, psychic ability, connection with our guides and angels. And the more 1’s we see in a sequence, the more power there is said to be.

*If you feel the presence of someone around you (in spirit form) you could have a Divine Being that’s helping you for a specific reason. I am able to find this information out for my clients in an Akashic Record Reading.

3. What angel number 1111 means for you

In order to understand exactly WHY you are seeing this particular number it's important to:

Put it into the context of your own life.

And this is because…

Whenever you are seeing this number it’s always providing you with guidance that’s specific to YOU and your life.

Contrary to what other articles say about the number 1111 having a specific meaning such as:

“Seeing 1111 means your angels are urging you to watch your thoughts because they’re manifesting instantly.”


“You are on the cusp of something great.”

I have found taking these meanings too literally can be guiding you down a path that’s not necessarily beneficial.

For example:

The belief around “Seeing 1111 means your angels are urging you to watch your thoughts because they’re manifesting instantly” can actually inject FEAR and make you worry about each and every single thought you have.

And although seeing 1111 indicates it’s a powerful time to be manifesting, and yes, you should be more conscious of your thoughts, not EVERY thought you have will manifest.

This is because you need M O M E N T U M in your energy and vibration to see your desires materialise.

And worrying about each and every thought you have because you’re afraid something “bad” will manifest, is counterproductive.

Likewise, the idea that You are on the cusp of something great”, some may take this as a signal they can RELAX as something big is about to happen organically, when the message from your angels may be to:


This is why it's so important to interpret what the numbers mean for YOU.

Sometimes it may be obvious why you are seeing the number, like opening up a book to page 111 and the information on that page being the EXACT information you need.

Other times, it could be more general in nature, like seeing the number in random places throughout the day, (which can then be harder to assign meaning to).

If the reason is not clear to you, anchor into the knowing that your guides and angels are letting you know they are there, and that this is a time of increased spiritual power and heightened intuition - so a great time for you to be manifesting and consciously creating your future.

If you want help getting started with your manifesting you can grab a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual.

Again this was telling me that I was on the right track. I didn’t need to try and work out WHY I was seeing it on a map, rather take it as a sign of ENCOURAGEMENT relating to what was going on in my life.

Even as I started writing this post I had a student from my manifesting course post in our facebook group asking about the meaning of 1111 and a friend message me an instagram meme with 1111 in it.

This was my angels telling me to write this post.

4. How to manifest using the power of 1111

Now that we have determined that having these divine numbers show up for you is a sign of ENCOURAGEMENT, let's talk about how you can utilize this powerful energy.

1. Meditate regularly

When you are seeing angel numbers you are naturally opening up your psychic abilities and your intuition is heightened (remember the meaning of 11).

Meditating more regularly will help increase this and give you additional guidance and insights into what actions you should be taking in your life to manifest what you want.

2. Use angel cards or guidance cards

Similar to the reasons to begin meditating regularly, starting to use angel or guidance cards can be a great way to bring additional CLARITY and also build on the relationship you have with your guides and angels.

3. Start visualizing what you want in your life!

Visualization is one of the most powerful manifestation tools out there, and while you are seeing repeating numbers giving you ENCOURAGEMENT, it's the perfect time to AMPLIFY that energy and actively call-in what you want.

If you need help visualizing your desires in great detail so you can manifest your desires easily and effortlessly you can grab a copy of my Free Mini Manifesting Ritual.

1111 Angel Number: What It REALLY Means (2025)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.